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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

Thankful for Cancer!

Oh this early Thanksgiving morning I am giving thanks. I am blessed and have lots to be thankful for.

I am thankful for my family. Their love and support is tremendous. They have also at times rearranged their schedules to help me with rides, help with my home tasks, made sure I have meat in my freezer and treats too. They check in to make sure I am doing ok.

I am thankful for my friends. I get text messages checking in to see if I am eating, sleeping, if I need anything. I get little gifts to keep my spirits up. I get offers for rides, meals, or errand running. I get funny texts making me laugh. My friends also cry with me when the battle wears me down. I get little bottles of teguila and rum, not that I can drink them right now.

I am thankful for the outpouring of support from everyone who has let me know they are praying for me. The messages to keep fighting, keep my spirits up.

I am thankful for my co-workers. They listen when I need to vent. They have offered rides, meals, they have given little gifts. They give me messages of support, they check to see if I am doing ok.

I am thankful for Kalina and Gracie, my 2 kitties who like to snuggle. They keep me entertained and keep mice out of our house.

I am thankful for my medical team. I have a huge team that want the best for me. They listen to my questions without making me feel dumb for asking some of the things I ask. Everyone from the desk where I check in to all the technicians, support staff and nurses who all greet me with a smile. My Oncologists want the best for me. My nurses on the Infusion floor who push my drugs and also make me laugh.

I am thankful for getting cancer again. Yes, I said it. I am thankful. I thank God for allowing me to battle this disease again and show others battling that yes, you can go through it and still live a good life. When I heard my first diagnosis I told God to put people in my life to help me. When I heard the news that I had cancer again I once again asked God to help me get through and keep my medical team with me. I asked God to help me be a role model for others battling cancer.

I give thanks to God for bringing me to this new day. I thank God for all the blessings and lessons in my life. I thank God for forgiving me my screwups and continuing to love me anyway.

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