My early, early mornings are becoming a routine. I take meds for sleep, I've been told to add Melatonin to my bedtime routine, and I still wake up really, really early.
I know my body is messed up. Whose body wouldn't be, with everything mine is dealing with. I take 9 prescription meds daily. I get 3 chemotherapy drugs, steroids, antihistamines, heparin, anti nausea and saline every 3 weeks. On chemo days I have 2 more meds to take to keep me from getting sick, I take them for 4 days. Not to mention, I have a tumor in my liver that is the reason for most of of the meds!
I have a variety of side effects that either cause me pain and discomfort or have messed up my taste buds that stuff that normally would be really good, is now icky. Oh, and now mouth pain. So eating can be painful at times.
So sometimes it is the simple things that bring me joy. An unexpected gift in the mail. A funny card in the mail or a goofy text. Today I added some Christmas cheer to our radio stations. I took my little silver Christmas tree and put it in our front window. I added colorful garland to each station door. I put up stockings for each of the on air people. I broke out in the spontaneous Fa La La La la La la la La! at times. My co-workers liked my little decorations. It made me smile. It made them smile. It was good.
In the early mornings another thing that makes me smile....Crunch berries! Yup, a bowl of cold cereal with milk. Not healthy cereal, no, it's loaded with sugar, has no real benefit other than it tastes good and makes me happy. But sometimes you have to do it. Have something that makes you smile. A simple bowl of cereal starts my day with a smile. Crunch berries! And right now it's Christmas Crunch berries.
I need another box! And some more milk!