Cancer sucks! It brings all kinds of unwanted side effects, stress, and issues.
My sleep is affected. I wake up early in the morning, can't go back to sleep, so I get up. My cats are getting used to having breakfast anytime between 4am and 6am. I do things like laundry or I blog at these early morning hours. I have tried to nap later in the morning or afternoon, but Nope, sleep eludes me.
The constant in my cancer battle? My pal neuropathy! It is with me 24/7. It goes everywhere with me. The needles or numb feeling is in my hands and feet. I do take meds to help make it bearable. I also drink glutamine powder in orange juice. I have tried CBD oil, but it does absolutely nothing for me. I know for some people the neuropathy gets so bad that they accidently hurt their feet. Because of the numb feeling, they step on sharp things or lose their balance. I have not had that happen to me.
I have wondered if a professional manicure and pedicure would alleviate the neuropathy even for a while. But then I remember reading that things like manicures and pedicures are not recommended during chemotherapy treatment. And I must say, chemo is making my fingernails tear like paper. Just when they were finally back nice and healthy from my first go round with cancer, now they are getting thin again. Oh well.
I know there are many side effects with cancer and chemotherapy. I know of people who are literally sick, needing to go to the hospital for IV fluids. Bruising, bleeding, Anemia, constipation, hair loss, fatigue, stomach pain, muscle pain, brain fog, depression, mouth sores, heart issues, skin issues, and low blood cell count are just some of the side effects. I am lucky. I have many of the side effects, but they are mild so far. Except for my pal neuropathy, it is my sidekick, my best bud, and it doesn't seem to want to abandon me. Lol.