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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas morning in a year that has been different. We all have a variety of masks that we wear out to work, grocery shop, go to medical appointments, etc. Almost all of us have been tested at least once or more for the Coronavirus. Some have had the 'rona. Loved ones have been locked in at their retirement communities and nursing homes. We have perfected washing our hands.

But this year we have also gone back to a simpler time in a way. Due to social distancing and limited activities, we have learned to entertain ourselves at home. Many families have gone camping more, did more family meals and spent more time with each other. We have also learned how to ZOOM, at times forgetting to unmute ourselves. I would like to think more books were read, more gardens planted, more crafts made and homemade meals were enjoyed.

This summer I broke my mom out of the retirement community and took her on a quick 4 state "drive to look at scenery". We visited, we enjoyed God's creation, we made memories and were back really late.

I had a hurdle tossed at me in September when my cancer returned. But I am making the best of it. I like my medical team. I love my oncology nurses, aka the drug pushers. And I got an early Christmas present this week, the chemo is working and my cancer is shrinking.

Last night I spent the evening with someone very important in my life and his family. I then went to see mom for a bit. Today I will spend part of the day with one of my brothers and I will call the others. It will be different not being in a huge family gathering, but I have no immune system and I need to protect myself. I did this 2 years ago...I can do it again.

I thank God for all the blessings and lessons in my life, I thank him for all my family, friends and loved ones. I thank him for my co-workers and my medical team. I thank God for my life, it's a good one.

Merry Christmas!

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