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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

Laying in a donut and squishing the boobs!

I have a CT scan or 'cat' scan this morning. Hopefully it will show that the tumor on my liver is shrinking. I have had 3 rounds of chemotherapy, the tumor should be smaller. Or maybe the chemo has at least killed the 'tentacles' coming off the tumor.

I also have 2 nodules, one on each lung that are not normal. Today's scan should show those too, to see if they have changed. Or maybe there are more. I will find out. In September my oncologist wasn't really worried about my lungs, she was concerned about the liver tumor, but said we will monitor the lungs. OK.

The nice thing about the CT scan is that protocols for it have changed. I no longer have to drink stuff and wait 30 minutes for it to do whatever it's job was. Now I just get the IV for the contrast portion of the scan. The machine, it it like a huge donut, pulls me in, it takes pictures, I get told to hold my breath, it takes more pictures. Machine moves me out a bit, the IV starts with the contrast and pictures are taken. I am told to hold my breath again while more pictures are taken. Then the machine pushes me out and I am done. Technician removes my IV and I can get dressed and leave.

Now the hard part, waiting for results. I have an appointment with my oncologist this afternoon. She is going on vacation starting this week, so hopefully I will get results later today. Hopefully nothing new shows up on the scans.

I also have to do labs. Chemo really messes with my liver and kidneys, bloodwork will show that. Plus I get my CA 125 number, which is going down since I started chemo. I get a full workup on my blood, I am getting used to seeing the different #s and learning when to be concerned and when not to.

And in between the CT scan and my appointment I have a yearly mammogram to do too. I have a full day. Ladies you know how uncomfortable and sometimes painful the mammogram can be. It really hurts me thanks to my port in my chest. So while being a contortionist, hugging that machine, "hold your chin away", "get a little closer", getting squished, "hold your breath", trying not to cry or laugh. And why is that room always so chilly? You have to be half naked, hugging a cold machine in a very uncomfortable way and it is cold! Men you are so lucky, you should be buying your wives and girlfriends gifts! Lots of gifts! Chocolate, Wine, Jewelry! A new car or a tropical vacation where the woman in your life can relax and let the sun warm up those boobs!

It is going to be a full day glad I have beer in my fridge...I will need one after today, maybe even 2.

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Dec 21, 2020

Prayers for what you want to hear! heck Dolly add a shot to them beers!


Dec 21, 2020

Prayers up. I love you.

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