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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

I've Had Enough...Why ME?

Exactly a week ago right now, I was on a gurney in the ER waiting to go for a CT scan of my head and abdomen. I had been having a really bad headache, high blood pressure, nausea and stomach ache. I came from work so all I have with me is my combo purse/briefcase.

It turned out that my appendix was inflamed. The surgeon who was on my case told me that he and his colleagues were having discussions on how to treat me. Because I am on chemotherapy, specifically Avastin, I am very high risk for surgery. So for now, I am being admitted and starting on high dose antibiotics thru an IV.

Scared? Yes! Frustrated? Yes! I ended up staying in the ER for 22 hours because the hospital was full. At least I had a gurney to sleep on and was in a small room with a door. I asked for a washcloth to use when I made my way down the hall to the bathroom. I wanted to at least wash my face. Four people were in those hard recliner chairs in the hall with a curtain pulled around them. I was lucky.

Thursday I got a room, my surgeon said they were keeping me a few days to push antibiotics, hoping to calm the appendix down enough to send me home, stop chemo til July and do surgery on the 14th. OK. However, I was put on NPO, which means no food or water, so maybe more was going on.

Friday morning after another CT scan, my surgeon tells me that the appendix is worse, he can wait a day to see if anything changes or just operate today. He had consulted all his colleagues and my oncologist and they agreed surgery, although extremely risky, was needed. So I signed papers, took the pre-op shower, texted family and waited.

Avastin, while it kills cancer, it causes bleeding, and it makes it hard to heal. You may get a cut and it will be scabbed over and healed in a few days. I get a cut and it takes a week. So, cutting me to do surgery, is a really big risk. My internal stitches will take months to heal. I am hoping they heal, I don't want to bleed to death from an appendix after beating cancer TWICE! Forgot to mention that, on the CT scans, there is no sign of cancer in my lower abdomen.

My brother told me Friday evening about my surgery. Appendix surgery takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Mine went longer to the point of my brother and mom getting worried. The Surgeon came out and told them I was in recovery, but that my appendix had perforated. He used staples and clips on my colon where the appendix was connected. I had a drainage tube, but he used laparoscopic surgery techniques and I didn't a colostomy bag.

It has been rough. I am home now, off work for at least a week. Not able to do anything, can't risk opening up the staples inside. Once again it looks like I fought a pitchfork and lost. I will start chemo again July 12, even though no cancer was sighted, I am on it for maintenance now.

Personally I am tired. I am saying why me. I have been crying a lot. I am in pain. Nothing tastes good and I am on a bland diet anyway. I have been thru enough. WHY ME??? I am thankful. I thank God all the time for taking care of me. But I am tired of being the one who has been dealt so much in 3 years. I want a break. I hope no one goes thru this. I know others have dealt with more, and it makes them and me stronger.

I have no patience for people whining about little shit. Suck it up Cupcake, I can't even lift groceries. But I am still here....still fighting...still living....still a Warrior!

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