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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

I Need a Nap!

I forgot how much the chemo affects my sleep. I am tired, but I can't sleep.

I feel sleepy, I lay down, but can't sleep. I am on prescribed meds to help, but they are not doing their job.

When we were little, we had to take naps. As we got older we started to refuse naps, thinking naps are just for babies. And at bedtime we fought against it...saying I'm not tired, but usually fell fast asleep in minutes.

Now when I go to bed, feeling tired, I end up remaining awake for hours. It get very frustrating. I added Melatonin, which my doctor's consent, to my nighttime meds. It helped for a while, but now it has no effect. I bought essential oils that are supposed to induce sleep, nope, not with me. I leave my phone in my kitchen so I don't have that blue light keeping me up. My house is cool, and I run an oscillating fan in my bedroom every night.

I am hoping that as my body gets used to the chemo again that sleep will come. Until then, I will try to limit my late night, online shopping!

(michele a. burton took an awesome photo)

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