I know a lot of people make New Years Resolutions, I choose to make Goals.
The year 2020 was rough on everyone in the world. We are still dealing with a world wide pandemic. We still have our own personal battles too.
With the return of cancer to my life, I am making goals for 2021. Some are simple and some are tougher. I can make some that my body will just laugh at me and say...try next year, if so, ok.
First goal...wring the bell in February when I complete chemo again. Chemo has been hard on my body, more fatigue, more ugly side effects, I am ready to be done with it.
Second goal....be declared NED or No Evidence of Disease again sometime this year. So I can return to just getting 3 month checkups.
Third goal is to dance 1 song at a pow wow. But of course the pandemic needs to go away, we need to be able to gather in groups again...so this is a rather big goal...I hope it happens.
Fourth goal....since I am now battling cancer for a 2nd time, this goal is kind of a mid-life crisis or I have dealt with a disease wanting to kill me so I am going to be daring. I want to learn to ride a motorcycle and get licensed. And if I really, really like it....maybe buy one!
Overall I just want to be healthy again. No cancer or other major health issues. I thank God for taking are of me and my loved ones. I ask that he watch over all of us as we head into the New Year!
Happy New Year!