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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

Fueling Up My Energy...Physically & Mentally

Every day, no matter how long I sleep, I wake up tired. I can work all day and be tired, I can do absolutely nothing all day and still be tired. I can take a nap, and still be tired. It is draining to be tired all the time. And I am talking physically and mentally.

This past week was a different week, it started out really tough. Chemo side effects are ugly, meds to help those side effects are not working, so my oncologist said to stop the chemo pills until my next appointment. On Monday I got my 5th covid shot, since I have a compromised immune system. It really got me, Tuesday was awful, but I worked all day. But on Wednesday I felt better, my stomach issues got better.

Thursday was a good day. Thursday evening, I had supper with my friend, climbing buddy Frank. He and Sharon, another climber, were biking in ND and met for supper. Frank owns Devils Tower Lodge and teaches rock climbing, that's how I met him many years ago. He lives in Wyoming. We had a good visit. Had some laughs, shared stories and some tears too. I told him since I can't handle heat, thanks chemo (heavy sarcasm), I can't climb in the summer, or enjoy hiking outside. I will have to visit the Tower in October when it is cooler. Frank's response? We can do that.

Friday morning, I took an early lunch break and went to say goodbye to another friend, Phil. Phil is retiring from radio and moving away from ND. In March of 1997, Phil and others from KFYR Radio were down at the casino for a remote. I was working at PKC and when he approached me to be on during his remote, I asked, how much time do I have? I took the microphone and talked the minute about everything from who was on stage (back when entertainment bar had that stage), what Hunters Club was serving, what the current Hot Seat Promotion was up to and handed the microphone back. 3 days later he called and offered me a radio job. Since then, we have been good friends, even cat sitting. So, on Friday, we exchanged the house keys, each taking ours back, hugged and agreed to stay in touch.

Yesterday I did some grocery shopping and treated myself to a ribeye steak, baked potato and salad for supper. My brothers tell me to treat myself and take care of myself, so I do quite regularly eat a steak! I rested and took it easy, stayed inside in the a/c.

Today it is cooler, I am getting my usual Sunday stuff done, radio prep, laundry, and meal prep. I feel good. I feel mentally rested, physically I am not dragging, so that is good. This week I have labs, infusion and meet with my oncologist. I am hoping for a different chemotherapy. I am hoping for good lab numbers.

I thank God for all the blessings and lessons in my life. I thank God for the good days and for helping me thru the bad. This week is going to be a good week, I can feel it!

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