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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

Frustration...more meds.

Last week Monday I was supposed to get Avastin in the morning in my port and start my pills that night. When my oncology nurse checked my BP is was 148/112. Yikes. So I sat and we checked it again in 20 minutes. 146/110. Calls were made to my oncologist. She put orders in for a BP med, I was checked a 3rd time and was rescheduled to Thursday.

I saw my Primary that afternoon. My BP was still high. PIcked up my meds and added them to my nightly routine. I started my Zejula that night. On Wednesday I got my BP checked was down some, still high, but coming down. Thursday at Infusion, it was 136/99 so I got my Avastin. This past Monday it was still up..140/110 so I got another take in the morning. UGH.

The Zejula is going ok. The first night I woke up at 3am really nauseated and my stomach was churning, but I have not gotten sick. I told my body I have enough going on I don't need to add vomiting to the body listened.

Through all of this, I have been trying to eat even healthier. Protein shakes or yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch, chicken and veggies for supper. I have had 2 Coke Zero in 2 weeks, no cookies, no donuts or chips.

Now with all the added meds and the frustration of my cancer, my BP...I got fed up. Last night I hit the drive thru and got Tacos! 3 of them! They were delicious. And I had some Junior Mints at work. Now today..I am back to yogurt for breakfast and soup for lunch. Friday we check my BP again....hopefully meds are working.

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