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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

A Red Wing Singing is a Great Sign!

Yesterday morning(Friday) I was tired. I didn't sleep very much the night before, I felt good but was just moving on autopilot. I drove to work, filling at Mandan Family Wellness Physical Therapy and parked my car facing the cattails. Then I saw them.

Just in front of my car, sitting in the cattails were 2 Red Wing blackbirds. As I got out of the car they started to sing. I listened for a bit. I thanked them for 'talking' to me, I wished them a good day and went inside. My morning felt instantly better.

My Lakota name is Hu Pahu' Luta' which means Red Wing. I carry the name of a great aunt. I was given the name when I was a little girl. I have always liked Red Wings and the way they enjoy the outdoors. Red Wings are very much part of my life.

I see Red Wings whenever I travel. I take it as a sign I will be ok. When I went to Sioux Falls in July 2018 for my surgery for my Ovarian Cancer, we, my brother Mike and I, went to Falls Park to kill some time before my surgery started. We were looking at the Falls and Mike heard it first. A Red Wing was sitting on a light post just above me, singing. No matter what part of the falls I moved to, there was the Red Wing. On an anxiety filled day it was a good sign.

My brothers Dave and Joe see and hear them at their homes on the prairie. My brother Marty, who lives in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, told me a couple weeks before my surgery he was working in his yard and heard that familiar sound. There was a Red Wing visiting him. He said that was the first time he had seen one in his yard. He took it as a good sign.

No matter how crazy life can get, when I see or hear a Red Wing, it calms me. They are my own personal angels. Since my life now includes drugs with big names, lab tests and scans, living with a weakened immune system, side effects and more cancer related issues, the sight of a Red Wing lets me know I am going to be ok.

For those who are fighting their own battles, I suggest you look for the little things that bring you peace. It can help. It might just be for a moment. But in that moment, the world is alright, you are alright.

God created a little bird with a beautiful song. I am so happy and thankful to have Red Wing blackbirds in my life.

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