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  • Writer's pictureDolly Dakota

20lbs Really Limits A Person

I am 3 weeks out from my surgery. I am feeling better each day. My incisions are completely healed up. I still have moments when my muscles contract or spasm and it hurts really, really bad for about 30 seconds. But it is getting better,

My surgeon told me no lifting anything over 20lbs for at least 6 weeks. I am also not allowed to jog or do any exercising more than walking. My internal incisions will take a long time to heal thanks to the chemo meds that were in my system.

It was easy at first, doing basically nothing. I was in pain, I didn't feel like doing anything. Moving hurt, coughing or sneezing hurt, the seatbelt hurt, but those days are gone. I am feeling really good and I have to remind myself of things I can't do. It is crazy when you start to think about a 20lb limit.

Mow the lawn? Nope. My yard has 3 levels with stairs, I can't get the mower to the levels, plus it is not a self propelled one. Haul patio furniture out of the 3 season room? Nope. Which is ok, since it has been too hot anyway.

Grocery shopping? I can't get heavy stuff, I have to buy smaller bags of cat food and kitty litter. I make sure when I do get stuff that it is not bagged too heavy. When I get home I make lots of trips up the stairs to put stuff away.

Someone reading this may think this sounds like I am being lazy or sounding pitiful, but look around your home, think about your day to day activities. Now, think about how much lots of the stuff weighs or how much effort you have to exert to do those activities. Crazy, huh?! I do not want to end up back in the hospital for ripping open my colon.

I told my climbing friend today that I am postponing climbing Devils Tower and the Needles til 2022. He agreed, told me to just keep healing, that the tower and the hills can wait. I also wanted to dance in a pow wow this summer, nope. That would be too hard on me, plus my dresses don't fit right now, but I will get back into them. So pow wow dancing is pushed to 2022 too.

I am thankful for my co-workers who help me at work. I am thankful for my family and friends for all their help. God never gives us more than we can handle. I am so glad he is watching over me.

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